2024 recipients of the Human Experience Award®

2024 Data-Driven Awards
Each year, we recognize standout organizations for putting the Human Experience at the heart of healthcare and setting the bar high in safety, quality, nursing excellence, employee experience, member experience and patient experience – the building blocks of exceptional care. This group of award winners has achieved performance on a specific set of measurable criteria based on data as outlined in the 2024 Award Criteria.
Pinnacle of Excellence®
This award recognizes select organizations that have achieved top performance in their award category. In each category, just a handful of winners are named.
Categories include:
- Patient Experience: ·This award honors sustained performance on patient experience measures over a 3-year time period, with 4 organizations honored in each category.
- Employee Experience: This award recognizes top performers in Employee Engagement based on the average Engagement score from census surveys conducted in the two most recent calendar years.
- Physician Experience: This award recognizes top performers in Physician Engagement based on the average Engagement score from census surveys conducted in the two most recent calendar years.
- Consumer Experience: This award recognizes the top overall performer for online consumer engagement as measured by the CX Score.
- Clinical Quality: This award recognizes a consistent top performer from each organization size category (<100 beds, 100-299 beds, and 300 beds) using the most recent two years of data.
- Member Experience: This award recognizes up to 4 top performers in each category based on member experience ratings on designated survey measures for a one-year period.
The HX NDNQI® Award for Outstanding Nursing Quality
This award honors nursing excellence and recognizes the one best-performing facility in the NDNQI database in each of seven categories against key measures of nursing quality, including RN skill mix, RN turnover, Quality of Care, Total Fall Rate, and more as defined in the criteria.
Categories include: Academic Medical Centers, Teaching Hospitals, Community Hospitals, Pediatric Hospitals, Rehabilitation Hospitals, Psychiatric Hospitals, and International Hospitals.
The 2024 HX Achievement Award- SSER® Reduction Recognition
The Serious Safety Event Rate Reduction Award honors organizations that have achieved a 50% or greater (from the baseline to June 2024) reduction in system-level SSER; have corresponding strong scores in safety culture perception regarding comfort level of reporting; and demonstrate a healthy trend in event reporting.
There are two award categories: (1) 50%-74% reduction and (2) 75% or greater reduction. Organizations with member facilities who have a zero SSER at the time of the award application will receive the Zero Harm Award.
Guardian of Excellence®
This award recognizes organizations that have achieved 95th percentile or higher performance in the applicable database on a set of key performance measures over a one-year time period.
Categories include:
- Patient Experience: Honors performance on key patient experience survey measures for 15 different award subcategories for specific patient populations as compared to relevant benchmarks.
- Employee Experience: Honors performance on key employee engagement survey measures for 5 different settings and 4 different unit types as compared to relevant benchmarks.
- Physician Experience: Honors performance on key physician engagement survey measures for 5 different settings and 4 different unit types as compared to relevant benchmarks.
- Consumer Experience: Honors performance on a variety of metrics that assess online public reputation, including overall ratings and patient reviews, and accuracy of provider data on third-party review sites.
- Clinical Quality: Honors performance on 10 active and representative clinical core measures from the outpatient services, pregnancy and related conditions, tobacco, sepsis, and substance abuse measure sets.
The 2024 HX Achievement Award – Zero Harm
The HX High Reliability Horizon Award recognizes organizations with member facilities that have gone a year (July 2023 – June 2024) or more without a Serious Safety Event.